Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Equine Birthdays: America's Horse Barbaro

 Hi everyone! The day is finally here that I reveal my special surprise. 11 years ago today,a famous well loved thoroughbred colt was born. I was celebrating the birth of my brother that day a well.Barbaro and my brother were only a day apart. My brother thought that was pretty cool. Barbaro was a beautiful bay colt whom all of America loved. He was a great racer but in 2006, the young horse twisted his ankle badly in a race. For a long year,he struggled against this handicap that held him back. But soon he developed laminitis in all four feet. Laminitis is a term that n horse owner EVER wants to hear. It is a awful,often fatal problem. In 2007 he was put down. All of America grieved for their beloved horse. A statue stands in his honor in Kentucky. There is also a Barbaro breyer model.

before the Preakness


  1. What a beauty! Happy birthday barbaro! You will be greatly missed </3

  2. Happy birthday, gorgeous horse! I miss you greatly.

    - A.D.
