Tuesday, April 15, 2014

How Me and Shadow Met

I thought this would be a good idea to share how I met Shadow.
It all started out on my 12th Birthday, me and my best friend were eating cake and I then realized my parents didn't get me a present. I didn't think about it too much just thinking it would happen after the party like on my 10th birthday. My dad walks up to me and says, "Taylor, I know someone from work who will allow you to go ride and play with their horses. The horse you'll be riding is named Shadow and she's a Arabian. We are going to meet Shadow next Saturday." I was so excited. I knew my parents didn't have the money for a horse at the time so I really wanted to just work with other people's horses. Next Saturday comes along, I show up at the barn and I saw Shadow in the pasture eating. I started talking with Shadow's owner about her and if she is good behaved and stuff like that. I go in the pasture to go catch Shadow, she looked confused but was happy that I had a treat for her. I catched her and start grooming her. She was really sweet but she just didn't like her hoof being picked up. So that was one thing I was going to work on. After I got done grooming her, I tacked her up. I started out just walking and letting her get used to me. Shadow was chill and she was a bit lazy but she was good. I rode for like an hour at the walk. I un-tacked her and then I gave her a second groom. Me and Shadow's owner started talking about her again and her owner said Shadow was pregnant. I was like "omg really?!" Her owner said she is only 4 months pregnant. Then next year came and it's August. I wondered when Shadow would have the foal and then I realized, she would of already had the foal. So no foal from Shadow and I hadn't ridden her in like 8-9 months. Anyways, that's how me and Shadow met.

1 comment:

  1. That's a really neat story. And a great birthday present!

