Saturday, August 2, 2014

DIY- Hay Bag

So I decided I would try to make a hay bag for my mare Baylee last night. I used a pattern because I am a beginner sewer. The pattern I used was actually fairly easy even though it was in metric. Here is the link to it because I forgot to take photos while making one so it's hard to explain the instructions.

But here are some photos of the finished product

The whole thing

The hole where your horse pulls hay from


Stuffed with blankets to simulate being full of hay

How I closed it up
Fold the 3 holes so they are positioned over each other and hang with some baling twine.

I haven't used mine yet but I don't plan on using it very often. Just at shows when she is tied to the trailer to give her something to do. Good luck and let me know how yours turns out :)
