Just a quick update. ;) I've been working with Lady quite a bit. One of the many things I've had to teach her was lunging. Crazy, she had absolutely no concept of lunging. But with a little sweat and I little work she's getting decent at it. Still working on her canter though. I mean you can't really blame her for not wanting to canter, she is pretty fat. lol. I rode her out of the arena today. She acted pretty feisty. We were both sweating by the time we were done and it was pretty hot. But still I think we accomplished something. I am wanting to take her to a local horse show in September so that is our goal.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Hi or whatever
I just had my junior rodeo circuit's finals on Saturday, where I won All-Around Champion from compiling points in barrel racing, pole bending, and goat tying, winning an awesome belt buckle I would post a picture of except it has the circuit name and privacy and all that.
In the pro circuit, I've had a few bum runs lately because of lack of training, but we've been working away from home and hopefully we've remedied that :I Currently sitting third in my age division, behind second by four points, first by ten.
Here's some videos from this season
Saturday, August 2, 2014
DIY- Hay Bag
So I decided I would try to make a hay bag for my mare Baylee last night. I used a pattern because I am a beginner sewer. The pattern I used was actually fairly easy even though it was in metric. Here is the link to it because I forgot to take photos while making one so it's hard to explain the instructions.
But here are some photos of the finished product
Stuffed with blankets to simulate being full of hay
How I closed it up
I haven't used mine yet but I don't plan on using it very often. Just at shows when she is tied to the trailer to give her something to do. Good luck and let me know how yours turns out :)
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