So, I have a little announcement. You can now call me by my real name, Lauren. I also has a sadder announcement. We had to sell Skeeter and Oreo because we didn't have enough hay. Thankfully, I still have Dixie and Storm, though. So that is my update. Here are pictures that I've posted before of Skeeter and Oreo. Skeeter is the chestnut and Oreo is the piebald:
Oh and btw the only reason we had to sell these two was bc we didn't really ride them.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Monday, October 27, 2014
I am really sorry I haven't posted in a while. In August, I got to see Shadow. She did well. I finally got the chance to ride her in my English saddle. I might be able to ride her more at the end of November.
Friday, September 26, 2014
Hi guys!
I'm sorry I haven't posted in a long time! I just don't know what to post. But, I finally found something. The other night, I got on Storm and rode him in the dark. We were in my round pen, and it was growing really dark. We did quite a bit of trotting after I got him settled down, and sometimes I felt like I was going to fall off because his trot is so… fast lol. Anyways, it was s lot of fun! But I need you guys to comment so i can get some ideas about what to post about. Thanks! :)
- A.D.
- A.D.
Monday, September 8, 2014
2 more gone
This is going to be a short and slightly depressing post.
So Reba ended up being donated to the university vet program. The sweet pony who trusted me before she trusted her owners, is gone forever.
And another horse I used to work with got out of his pasture, and was hit by a car. So I'm starting to come to the conclusion that I can never love a horse without something happening to it before it's time.
Reba and maverick, I will always remember you both.
So Reba ended up being donated to the university vet program. The sweet pony who trusted me before she trusted her owners, is gone forever.
And another horse I used to work with got out of his pasture, and was hit by a car. So I'm starting to come to the conclusion that I can never love a horse without something happening to it before it's time.
Reba and maverick, I will always remember you both.
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Rosie ∞ Jumping Queen
Sooo I've said some things about Rosie in the past, but now it's time for her big piece or whatever.
So about two weeks ago now, the week before the week of Labor Day weekend, Rosie's owner, my best friend/cousin stayed for a week, and, boy, did Rosie get her butt kicked into shape. Thank god it hadn't been that long since Rosie's owner - she has Rose in her name, so we'll call her that - was last here, so Rosie was still in good shape, so, on Rose's orders, we took Rosie over jumps that were a little bit higher than what sh'ed jumped the last time after a few days of easy jumps. First we bumped the biggest jump she'd done before by three inches - than, after a day or two of flying over that, we raised them another three. After measuring the highest jump, we are proud to say Rosie's jumped (on the lunge line) about three feet.
So about two weeks ago now, the week before the week of Labor Day weekend, Rosie's owner, my best friend/cousin stayed for a week, and, boy, did Rosie get her butt kicked into shape. Thank god it hadn't been that long since Rosie's owner - she has Rose in her name, so we'll call her that - was last here, so Rosie was still in good shape, so, on Rose's orders, we took Rosie over jumps that were a little bit higher than what sh'ed jumped the last time after a few days of easy jumps. First we bumped the biggest jump she'd done before by three inches - than, after a day or two of flying over that, we raised them another three. After measuring the highest jump, we are proud to say Rosie's jumped (on the lunge line) about three feet.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Lady Lou
Just a quick update. ;) I've been working with Lady quite a bit. One of the many things I've had to teach her was lunging. Crazy, she had absolutely no concept of lunging. But with a little sweat and I little work she's getting decent at it. Still working on her canter though. I mean you can't really blame her for not wanting to canter, she is pretty fat. lol. I rode her out of the arena today. She acted pretty feisty. We were both sweating by the time we were done and it was pretty hot. But still I think we accomplished something. I am wanting to take her to a local horse show in September so that is our goal.
Hi or whatever
I just had my junior rodeo circuit's finals on Saturday, where I won All-Around Champion from compiling points in barrel racing, pole bending, and goat tying, winning an awesome belt buckle I would post a picture of except it has the circuit name and privacy and all that.
In the pro circuit, I've had a few bum runs lately because of lack of training, but we've been working away from home and hopefully we've remedied that :I Currently sitting third in my age division, behind second by four points, first by ten.
Here's some videos from this season
Saturday, August 2, 2014
DIY- Hay Bag
So I decided I would try to make a hay bag for my mare Baylee last night. I used a pattern because I am a beginner sewer. The pattern I used was actually fairly easy even though it was in metric. Here is the link to it because I forgot to take photos while making one so it's hard to explain the instructions.
But here are some photos of the finished product
Stuffed with blankets to simulate being full of hay
How I closed it up
I haven't used mine yet but I don't plan on using it very often. Just at shows when she is tied to the trailer to give her something to do. Good luck and let me know how yours turns out :)
Saturday, July 26, 2014
it's been awhile!
I thought you guys needed an update! Lots of things have happened since April. Around Easter, Reba's right hock swelled a little, but nobody thought much of it because she hadn't been ridden in 4 months because she had an abscess, and that it was just an overworked muscle or something of that type. But as time went on, it became bigger. The vet couldn't figure out what it was, so he took a biopsy and sent it in. I can't remember exactly what they said, but they still couldn't figure out exactly what it was. So they took her down to the university, and they did some tests, and, whatever it is, it's causing her to lose weight. So she's pretty much slowly dieing. She's not suffering, which is very good.
Yesterday, I finished a week and a half long pony sitting job, and the two ponys I watched were named little red and biscuit. They were really sweet,when they weren't testing me... ;)
Anyway, I've had a great summer so far! I hope you have too!
Sunday, June 15, 2014
The Gift Horse
Mya, the day I brought her home. |
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This is Mya today. |
Thursday, June 12, 2014
It's Been Awhile
No one seems to be posting anymore so let's see if I can get the ball rolling
I am trying to decide on a show name for my horse Baylee and wanted to kinda take a vote on what one y'all like. Here is my list
1-Above and Beyond
2-Answer to Prayer
3-Beyond Expectations
4-Baylee's Sweet Dreams
5-Lasting Impression
6-Dream Come True
7-Chasing Dreams
8-Forever And Ever
9-Just One Wish
10-Wish Granted
11-Once Upon A Dream
Now some photos so you can see my lovely mare that we are talking about!
~Kaitlyn (Baylee's Girl)
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Hallo Chil'ren
Well, that's what's been on, if you want more, drop me a line!
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
The First of Many
I finally rode Lady for the first time! It had been raining ever since I got her but Monday we got some sunshine so I went out and saddled her up. I wasn't sure what to expect but she did great. I think Lady is going to be a really fun riding horse. She came with the bosal she is wearing, but I think its too big. I also prefer a bit to a hackamore or bosal so I ordered her one today. I just found her a really gentle snaffle bit. I can't wait to try it out on her.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
My Ride on Dixie
Today, 5/14/14, I rode Dixie, my Palomino Quarter Horse. In since it had been a while after I had last ridden her, we were both a little nervous. So I got on her, then we circled and walked up to the top west pasture. There, we met Skeeter. Dixie and Skeeter are BFF. It's like Dixie can't live without her. Even though Skeeter is much older than her, they love each other. So we kind of strolled along until we reached the bond bank. Then Dixie turned around and sniffed Skeeter's belly. Skeeter must have smelled weird or something, because Dixie tossed her head, snorted, and reared. I stayed on, and it really wasn't that hard. I just said, "Whoa!", gripped some mane, and leaned forward. Then, as soon as she landed, I got off. I'm okay, and she is, too, but I'm going to continue to work with her. Part of the reason might have been that she was a little jittery from the sweet feed I used to catch her. So, that was what my ride was like today! Sorry that my brother couldn't get pictures, but I think that you guys get the picture lol. So, from my own personal experience, I would much rather have a horse rear while I'm on him than buck!
- A.D.
- A.D.
So what is the surprise I hinted at yesterday? Well if you guessed a new horse you'd be correct! Yes, that right I got another horse! I'm super excited. This is my second horse. I got her so that friends could go riding with me. She is supposed to be really laid back and gentle. I haven't ridden her yet. (Its been raining.) But so far I really like her. She is a 13 year old quarter horse mare. We decided to name her Lady. We just picked her up this morning, and as I write this she is settling into her new home nicely. She is happily munching away at her hay. I think I'm gonna like this horse. :D
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Lady |
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Tuesday, May 13, 2014
my saddle
Sorry that I haven't posted lately. I am not sure what to post about so I will just talk about this saddle that I will eventually use on Shadow. It is (most likely) a older Crosby. Size 16. I haven't actually ridden in it yet. I will ride in it sometime this year hopefully. I got it for my birthday last year even though it was a really late birthday gift. I did try it on Shadow to see if it fits and yes it does fit.
First Rodeo of the Season
...was actually at the end of April, but better late then never, right?
It was at a venue about an hour away from my house, so Friday, April 25th, we packed up and headed over for the 7 o clock rodeo. When we got there, I got registered and warmed up, then the rodeo started and I carried the rodeo's flag. After the old queens, flags and bull riders paraded, it was time for barrels - pro, novice, senior, junior, and pee-wee. I'm a junior, so I had quite a while to prepare. As I caught up with some rodeo friends, we discussed the thing on everyone's minds - the quality of the sand in the arena. It was almost a foot deep, and more then one horse crashed and burned. I went at the very end of my division and my run was awful - I looped wide, tripped multiple times, and almost knocked a barrel. But somehow, I placed third, bringing home a check for $40. We went home, and the next night, Saturday, we came back and - yes! - they'd taken out eight inches of sand. Everyone ran better that night, including me. I came home with second place and $60, and yeah overall the rodeo went really well for me c:
It was at a venue about an hour away from my house, so Friday, April 25th, we packed up and headed over for the 7 o clock rodeo. When we got there, I got registered and warmed up, then the rodeo started and I carried the rodeo's flag. After the old queens, flags and bull riders paraded, it was time for barrels - pro, novice, senior, junior, and pee-wee. I'm a junior, so I had quite a while to prepare. As I caught up with some rodeo friends, we discussed the thing on everyone's minds - the quality of the sand in the arena. It was almost a foot deep, and more then one horse crashed and burned. I went at the very end of my division and my run was awful - I looped wide, tripped multiple times, and almost knocked a barrel. But somehow, I placed third, bringing home a check for $40. We went home, and the next night, Saturday, we came back and - yes! - they'd taken out eight inches of sand. Everyone ran better that night, including me. I came home with second place and $60, and yeah overall the rodeo went really well for me c:
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Ready to go Sev? |
A Clue...
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Today, the 29th of April, marks one month of owning my beautiful girl, Baylee! I love her so much and even though we have had some bumps in the road, I'm pretty confident that we will get through this hard time and have a long journey together. We've made some progress during this month but not as much as I would hope. I am getting some books and DVDs by clinton anderson, Stacy westfall, Chris cox, and John Lyons so hopefully once I study up on all their different methods, I will be able to further advance Baylee in her training. My plan is to practically restart her and teach her ground manners and do LOTS of ground work with her to gain her respect and trust so that when I feel it's time for me to get back on her, all that respect will transfer right into the saddle. Love you my baby girl <3
Homemade Horse Treats!
Equine Birthdays: America's Horse Barbaro
Hi everyone! The day is finally here that I reveal my special surprise. 11 years ago today,a famous well loved thoroughbred colt was born. I was celebrating the birth of my brother that day a well.Barbaro and my brother were only a day apart. My brother thought that was pretty cool. Barbaro was a beautiful bay colt whom all of America loved. He was a great racer but in 2006, the young horse twisted his ankle badly in a race. For a long year,he struggled against this handicap that held him back. But soon he developed laminitis in all four feet. Laminitis is a term that n horse owner EVER wants to hear. It is a awful,often fatal problem. In 2007 he was put down. All of America grieved for their beloved horse. A statue stands in his honor in Kentucky. There is also a Barbaro breyer model.

Monday, April 28, 2014
The Kentucky Derby
I'm back! So the Kentucky Derby 2014 is coming up! It is happening on May 3, which is the first Saturday in May. Who are you wanting to win? I really don't have an opinion, but I'll be watching California Chrome and Candy Boy. California Chrome is a beautiful chestnut! Will you be watching the Kentucky Derby? It aires on Saturday, May 3, on NBC Sports. You can also probably see it online, too. You can get more information about the upcoming Kentucky Derby at Kentucky Derby 2014. How are you going to celebrate the Derby? I'm going to watch it and maybe go riding. So I'll try to keep you updated on what's happening at Churchill Downs! Bye! :))
- A.D.
- A.D.
Monday, April 21, 2014
I went to a horse show on Saturday with Morris and we placed 1st in one of our classes!!! It was an Easter egg race where we had to race down to one end of the arena, dismount, find an Easter egg with your number on it in a basket, and then mount and race back. We got 23.14 seconds and the next closet time was almost 25 seconds! It was so fun! Morris LOVES to go fast so that class was perfect for him. He would be a barrels and poles horse if it wasn't for the metal plate in his ankle. Here is a picture of us after our class. Morris doesn't look too amused. (Covered face for privacy reasons)
Friday, April 18, 2014
Riding Lesson
I had a riding lesson today. For my lessons I ride an Arabian mare named Night. I think she's Anglo Arabian or something like that. But I really like riding her. She is a sensitive and quick horse which I like. Night is also very sweet. Anyways we are preparing for a schooling show which is in a couple of weeks. I am pretty excited about it. This will only be the second show I have ever done and the first english show. The reason I am taking riding lessons is because I wanted to learn to ride english. You know posting, jumping, etc. I learned to ride on western horses. (which I like western too) I'm just an all around type person in general so I wanted to learn everything including english stuff. But anyways I'm loving learning it and I'm excited to be able to be in my first english show in a couple of weeks. I will be riding Night in the show and we are entering several classes. Just walk, trot, and pole work classes though. I have only been riding english since October and we haven't started jumping yet. Today in my lesson my instructor had me on a lunge line so we could focus on my balance and posture. We practiced two-point quite a bit. I really needed that. Doing it over poles was fun. I'm learning to find my balance, and then I can start jumping. (yay!) We also did some no stirrup work at the trot. That is always a good workout. All together it was I great lesson. I think I learned a lot. :)
Breed Bites:The Appaloosa
So hi guys! Ellie here- I have been thinking about what to post on here. I have something planned for the 29th,but you'll have to wait and see for that. :) So today I am going to do a "breed bite". A "breed bite" is kind of like a report. I did about 4 or 5 of them and picked the one that I liked best. So today's "breed bite" is about the Appaloosa.
Appaloosas have been in existence for thousands of years. In the past,Chinese emperors called them "celestial horses." They were prized by the European artistocracy and Native Americans of the United States. Especially the Nez Perce tribe. They were the one Native American tribe that bred the Appaloosas efficiently and selectively. The tribe was considered as experts on horses. They only bred the very best stallions and all the others were gelded.
The ones that weren't good enough to be bred were traded with other tribes. The horses were strong,long legged horses. They could be ridden on rough terrain. At first,the Nez Perce gave the breed the name "paulouse" after the Paulouse river where the horses grazed.
After awhile,the Nez Perce were forced out of the United States,but surrendered before they even reached Montana. 50 years afterwards, the Appaloosa became a rare breed,but in 1938 the Appaloosa Horse Club was founded to rescue the spotted horse.
Appaloosas can be from 14.2 hands to 15.2 hands. For those of you who don't know,a hand is about 4 inches. They can be many different colors and patterns. Two of the patterns are snowflake and leopard. Snowflake is a dark body with white dusted on top. Like it snowed on top of the horse. Leopard is a white coat with dark spots scattered all over. Much like Kaitlyn's other horse Morris. Appaloosas are born with regular coloring and no spots or markings. Then as they age their original color fades and they then are spotted.Appaloosas can be used for just about everything.
this is a leopard pattern.
this is snowflake.
Hope you enjoyed today's Breed Bite.
Appaloosas have been in existence for thousands of years. In the past,Chinese emperors called them "celestial horses." They were prized by the European artistocracy and Native Americans of the United States. Especially the Nez Perce tribe. They were the one Native American tribe that bred the Appaloosas efficiently and selectively. The tribe was considered as experts on horses. They only bred the very best stallions and all the others were gelded.
The ones that weren't good enough to be bred were traded with other tribes. The horses were strong,long legged horses. They could be ridden on rough terrain. At first,the Nez Perce gave the breed the name "paulouse" after the Paulouse river where the horses grazed.
After awhile,the Nez Perce were forced out of the United States,but surrendered before they even reached Montana. 50 years afterwards, the Appaloosa became a rare breed,but in 1938 the Appaloosa Horse Club was founded to rescue the spotted horse.
Appaloosas can be from 14.2 hands to 15.2 hands. For those of you who don't know,a hand is about 4 inches. They can be many different colors and patterns. Two of the patterns are snowflake and leopard. Snowflake is a dark body with white dusted on top. Like it snowed on top of the horse. Leopard is a white coat with dark spots scattered all over. Much like Kaitlyn's other horse Morris. Appaloosas are born with regular coloring and no spots or markings. Then as they age their original color fades and they then are spotted.Appaloosas can be used for just about everything.
Hope you enjoyed today's Breed Bite.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Pictures and some more info!
I'm back! So I got some pictures that I'm going to show you guys. The first is of Skeeter, second Dixie, third Storm, and fourth Oreo. Skeeter is retired but she is the first horse that I got. Skeeter is in her thirties. I got Dixie a few years later. Her original name was Sunshine, but I changed it. She got in a barbed wire accident when she was young, and so she has faint scars on her legs. She is about twelve, almost thirteen. I ride her around on trail rides and for pleasure. I got Storm after Dixie, and his full name is Stormy Weather because he was born on a stormy day. Storm is about nineteen, and I ride him for pleasure, too. Then there is Oreo, and his original name was Reno. I am training him to jump, and he can drive, too. He is about sixteen, and he can be naughty! But he has a gift of winning almost anybody's heart. Now, for some pictures!
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